There are no adult themes as described in our ratings system. Bodies eventually fade off screen in just a few seconds so there is never a lingering depiction of death. Though not up close and gory, numerous bodies can be left in the wake of a large confrontation. War is depicted with realistic sounds and pools of blood in the path of battle. This gives the game a long life span, far beyond playing through the given scenarios and cultures. The game lets you play against each other or join forces and compete against the computer. There is also a multiplayer feature that lets players connect via the Internet, modem or LAN. Here is a truism Christians can be comforted by "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful" the true victory lies with Jesus and those who follow him!" Though there are opportunities for cooperation among nations, ultimately the powerful rule. Even though in some cultures, the way to victory in the game is to develop your civilization to the point of supporting the construction of a “Wonder” of the world, you must at the least defend your country from attack from others. One helpful feature allows you to see when a worker has become idle so you can get him back to work! Of course one of the elements you must deal with in the game is war. Selecting units, grouping them, path finding, following commands all seem to work flawlessly. You must gather your resources, develop your empire and its forces, expand your realm and deal with competing cultures over the course of the game. Each of the 13 cultures provided has unique strengths and weaknesses that determine the best tactics for play. The most intriguing element of “AOE” is to play as one of several actual middle age cultures. You control the gathering of resources, development of land and buildings, assign your countrymen roles and decide your path to success. The player starts with just a few resources and must build an empire to win the game. “AOE2” has all the elements common to real time strategy (RTS) games. While the original “AOE” took place during ancient times, “AOE2” moves forward in history, placing the player in the period between the dark ages and imperialistic times. Developer, Emsemble Studios took a different route with their offering by basing the game on actual historical cultures versus the fantasy worlds being offered by “Warcraft” and its clones. Microsoft entered the real time strategy gaming arena a few years ago with the original "Age of Empires".